About Us

Leaderful Action is about Passion, Purpose, Potential and Partnership...

...and we embody those values in our own team. Our strength comes from the trusted relationships that we have with each other, with our clients and with our wider team of associate facilitators and experts.

We practice what we preach in terms of using our strengths, and never lose sight of our clients, staying committed to their needs and outcomes as well as our own values. Our team has expertise in digital and online learning, human resources, organisational development, different sectors and professions, and many specialisms from leading change to Insights Discovery profiling to wellbeing and resilience.

Meet the team

Allison Holland
Natalie Savery
Dave Tosh OBE
Insights Lead
Jenny Bush
L&D Lead
Mae Holland
Learning Co-ordinator
Bethan Emanuel
Facilitator & Coach
Cath Allen
Facilitator & Coach
Dawn Smart
Facilitator & Coach
Manjula Bray
Facilitator & Coach
Andrea Street
Helen Whitney
ilm Quality Assuror
Marcus David
Nina Goldsworthy-Griffiths
Sian Roberts
Facilitator & Coach
Ian Diment
Helena Tosh
Digital Design
Leema Sabir
Online Producer

What's in a name? 

Or, more specifically, what's in our name? It comes from two important principles that combine to sum up our approach to leadership, learning and development.

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