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What's new this week at Leaderful Action

We are a bit like buses this month- you wait for ages for a new blog and then two come along at once! But we are just so excited about out next lot of Coaching and Mentoring programmes, that we just can't keep quiet about them! (By the way, if you haven't already, click here to check out last weeks blog from Hayley for more info about the programmes)

This week we have something exciting to share - a new offer that will help our previous and current clients to benefit from introducing people to learning with Leaderful Action.

Let's be real for a moment here - we aren't sales people in the Leaderful Action team. We are coaches, facilitators, coordinators and designers. We love learning and we love helping people to develop. We believe in what we do and we prefer the quality of our learning to speak for itself - which we think it does. But that can only get you so far in a limited group of people who already know about our fantastic programmes. And we think that more people could benefit from working with us to unlock their own Passion, Purpose and Potential.

Enter, the referral offer.

They say that word of mouth is the best way to share your message. I think that's really true. And whilst review websites might be big these days, nothing beats hearing an honest opinion from someone you know and trust. That's why, if someone joins one of our programmes based on your recommendation of us, we want to say thank you for sharing your experience and your trust in us.

We have three amazing free gifts we'd like to offer!

You can find more information, plus the Ts&Cs on the flyer below, which is also available to download and share, with clickable links.

Just keep learning!


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